Up and Running, Finally

Be sure to check out our new website http://www.AlabamaDailyPainters.com/. The site links to this blog plus several other Alabama painters. Many of the paintings below are available through ebay. Some are already sold, some have been given away, and others are in private collections and won't be for sale.

I hope you enjoy my work. Thanks for your interest. I'm available for commissioned paintings - portraits, pets, etc. Just fire me an email.

May God bless you and yours!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Dad

My Dad is 82 now. He was always my hero and role model, and he still is. He took me fishing as a boy, and he still does. He is the best man I have ever known. This was painted from a photo before he had eye surgury. He doesn't need glasses anymore, but this is how I always picture him.


  1. Hola, hemos agregado un trackback (enlace hacia este artículo) en el nuestro ya que nos pareció muy interesante la información detallada pero no quisimos copiarla, sino que nuestros lectores vengan directamente a la fuente. Gracias... realizar una consulta al dicom en chile

  2. I've looked at all your paintings. You are very good!
