Up and Running, Finally

Be sure to check out our new website http://www.AlabamaDailyPainters.com/. The site links to this blog plus several other Alabama painters. Many of the paintings below are available through ebay. Some are already sold, some have been given away, and others are in private collections and won't be for sale.

I hope you enjoy my work. Thanks for your interest. I'm available for commissioned paintings - portraits, pets, etc. Just fire me an email.

May God bless you and yours!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Drawn By Another Love

It has been some time since I last posted a painting. Recently, instead of painting, I have been pulled back toward a former love that has lain dormant for many years - writing. Actually, it was my first love. For the past few weeks I have been spending most of my free time writing. I have no firm direction in it really, I'm just writing for the pure enjoyment of it.

Someday I will try my hand at magazine articles to see if I can get published. Maybe a booklet or two after that, and if I can stay the course, a book. Or maybe I'll just sit on my patio and write for my eyes only. Who knows? All I know right now is that I've laid down the brushes for a bit and picked up my wireless keyboard to see what I can paint with it.

Actually, there is a lot of common ground between painting and writing. You can create pictures with both. Maybe I'll post "word pictures" in the future instead of oil paintings. The keyboard, however, seems a lot more complex and daunting than my oil painter's pallet. It contains far more color combinations.

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